If you are like me, you have your MIDI tracks separated from your Kontakt instruments. This way you don't waste Konkakt instances. This script searches recursively for all instruments reachable through the sends of the current selected track and opens all of them. ```lua DEBUG = false ROUTE_CATEGORY = { Receive = -1, Send = 0, HardwareOutput = 1 } ROUTE_PARAM_NAME = { Mute = "B_MUTE", Phase = "B_PHASE", Mono = "B_MONO", Volume = "D_VOL", Pan = "D_PAN", PanLaw = "D_PANLAW", SendMode = "I_SENDMODE", AutoMode = "I_AUTOMODE", SourceChannel = "I_SRCCHAN", DestChannel = "I_DSTCHAN", MidiFlags = "I_MIDIFLAGS", SourceTrack = "P_SRCTRACK", DestTrack = "P_DESTTRACK", Envelope = "P_ENV", } TRACKFX_SHOW = { HideChain = 0, ShowChain = 1, HideFloating = 2, ShowFloating = 3 } function debug(msg) if (DEBUG) then reaper.ShowConsoleMsg(msg .. "\n") end end local function open_instrument(track, instrumentIndex) reaper.TrackFX_Show(track, instrumentIndex, TRACKFX_SHOW.ShowFloating) end local function search_instruments(track) local trackIndex = reaper.CSurf_TrackToID(track, false) local _, trackName = reaper.GetTrackName(track) local trackDesc = trackIndex .. ". " .. trackName debug("Searching track " .. trackDesc) local instrumentIndex = reaper.TrackFX_GetInstrument(track) if instrumentIndex ~= -1 then debug("Track " .. trackDesc .. " has instrument!") return { { Track = track, InstrumentIndex = instrumentIndex } } else debug("Track " .. trackDesc .. " has no instrument") end local trackSends = reaper.GetTrackNumSends(track, ROUTE_CATEGORY.Send) local midiSendFound = false local dependantInstruments = {} for sendIndex = 0, trackSends - 1, 1 do local midiFlags = reaper.GetTrackSendInfo_Value(track, ROUTE_CATEGORY.Send, sendIndex, ROUTE_PARAM_NAME.MidiFlags) if midiFlags then midiSendFound = true local target = reaper.GetTrackSendInfo_Value(track, ROUTE_CATEGORY.Send, sendIndex, ROUTE_PARAM_NAME.DestTrack) local dependantInstrumentsOfSend = search_instruments(target) for _, instrument in pairs(dependantInstrumentsOfSend) do table.insert(dependantInstruments, instrument) end end end if not midiSendFound then debug("Track " .. trackDesc .. " does not have MIDI sends") end return dependantInstruments end local selectedTrack = reaper.GetSelectedTrack(0, 0) local instruments = search_instruments(selectedTrack) for _, instrument in pairs(instruments) do open_instrument(instrument.Track, instrument.InstrumentIndex) end ```