Composition date: 1997-05

Incidental music for Bodas de Sangre, a play by Federico GarcĂ­a Lorca which was directed by Barbara Otto Schneider for the theatrical group (Grupo Pentagrama) of Ramiro de Maeztu Secondary School.

This music won an award for the Best Original Score at the "IV Certamen de Teatro Escolar" (4th School Theatre Competition), organized by the Community of Madrid. The awards ceremony happened at January 28th 1998.


  • Full orchestra and contralto


0. Overture and brawl

This is a small instrumental section introducing the driving theme and then a song based on "Reyerta" (Brawl), the third poem of "Romancero gitano", one of Lorca's most recognized works.


1. Lullaby of the Horse

This lullaby is sung by the Maid. This is the character that senses the tragic events that are to come, so all her songs contain several elements that anticipate the tragic events to come.


2. 'Despierte la novia' (Let the bride wake up)

This song goes along the wedding of the Bride. It's mostly happy but it has a darker ending because the latest verse mentions the moon, which is a symbol of death.


3. 'Agua de molino' (Water of the mill)

This is a happy song, sung by the Maid, that celebrates the recent union of the Bride and the Groom.


4. 'La oscura raíz del grito' (Dark root of the scream)

This song is based on the closing verses of the play, which are recited by the Mother and the Bride of the (now deceased) Groom.
